An Invitation from Governor Martin O'Malley for Lunch & Conversation

Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley is inviting environmental science or social studies teachers, professors and like-minded adults to join him next week for lunch and a discussion on restoring our waterways.

The conversation, arranged in collaboration with the Maryland Partnership for Children in Nature, will focus on the importance of giving students the resources they need to get involved in the revitalization of local watersheds. Governor O’Malley talked about the importance of this effort at this year’s annual Green School Summit.

“I realize summer is a busy time for everyone, but I hope you will be able to join me, your fellow educators and our Partnership members for an inaugural convocation on engaging our young people in a meaningful, results-oriented stream restoration program.” Governor Martin O’Malley stated in his invitation to educators.

Whether we live near the water or miles from it, our everyday actions have a profound effect on our local water quality and the Chesapeake Bay. Maryland has made great progress in working toward restoring the Chesapeake Bay to its former glory, but there is still hard work ahead.

The lunch is scheduled for 2 p.m. July 2 at the Miller Senate Office Building in Annapolis. To RSVP please complete the following form: