Attention Conservation & Edu. Organizations- Chesapeake Conservation Corps Seeks Host Organizations

Chesapeake Conservation Corps Seeks Host Organizations for 2014-2015 Class!
The Chesapeake Bay Trust is proud to announce solicitations for Host Organizations for the 2015-16 Chesapeake Conservation Corps, a program that provides service-learning opportunities and green job training for young people through environmental and energy conservation projects. This initiative, supported by the Trust, Constellation Energy, the National Park Service and the state of Maryland, pairs young adults with organizations that provide hands-on environmental, leadership, and technical training opportunities for a one-year term of service.
The Chesapeake Bay Trust anticipates placing 20-25 Corps Volunteers in Host Organizations throughout Maryland for one year terms of service, with service to begin August 25, 2015. Individuals will be between the ages of 18 and 25 years at the time of enrollment. Corps Volunteers will receive stipends of $16,000 per year administered by the Trust.
Applications to serve as Host Organizations will include proposed scopes of work, and potential Host Organizations may suggest a wide range of activities to be undertaken by the Corps Volunteer in the fields of environmental restoration, energy conservation, sustainable agriculture, forestry, community engagement and/or K-12 environmental education.
To download the application click here. All applications must be RECEIVED by February 27, 2015.
For any questions about becoming a Host Organization or about the Chesapeake Conservation Corps, contact Tara Baker, 410-974-2941, ext. 102.