Funding Fun: April 2013 Environmental Education Grants
Everyone knows of an amazing environmental educator or youth who’s inspiring work so often goes unrecognized. How can we call out their exemplary work?
Finding funding can be a real challenge for formal and informal educators. Where can they start searching for grants, and what should they search for?
Get creative! Look for ways to integrate environmental education and award recognition with “hot topics” such as Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). Find ways to connect environmental learning to arts education and reading programs.
To kick-start your search, we here at Bay Backpack have assembled a list of grants and award programs that you might be interested in. The programs included in this list have application deadlines this April. Check them out below, and good luck with your proposals, nominations, and applications!
Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching 7-12th Grade
The Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching are the Nation’s highest honors for teachers of mathematics and science. Awardees serve as models for their colleagues, inspiration to their communities, and leaders in the improvement of mathematics and science education. The 2013 Awards will honor math and science teachers working in grades 7-12. Nominations are due by April 1, 2013, and teacher applications are due by May 1, 2013.
Mid-Atlantic Regional Panel on Aquatic Invasive Species 2013 Request for Proposals
The mission of the Mid-Atlantic Regional Panel on Aquatic Invasive Species (MAP) is to assist state and federal agencies and other stakeholders in developing and implementing strategic, coordinated, and action-oriented approaches to preventing and controlling aquatic invasive species in the mid-Atlantic region. This year, one of MAP’s big focuses for grant funding is on education (developing programs and curricula about aquatic invasive species or evaluating the effectiveness of existing programs) and behavior change. Proposals are due by April 15, 2013 at 5:00 PM EDT
The USDA Food & Nutrition Service is implementing a Farm to School program in order to assist eligible entities, through grants and technical assistance, in implementing farm to school programs that improve access to local foods in eligible schools. On an annual basis, USDA awards up to $5 million in competitive grants for training, supporting operations, planning, purchasing equipment, developing school gardens, developing partnerships, and implementing farm to school programs. In this funding round, USDA is soliciting applications for three types of grants: Planning grants, Implementation grants, and Support Service grants. Proposals are due at midnight EST, April 24, 2013.
Gloria Barron Prize for Young Heroes
Each year, the Barron Prize honors twenty-five outstanding young leaders ages 8 to 18 who have made a significant positive difference to people and our planet. The top ten winners each receive a $2,500 cash award to support their service work or higher education. The primary goal of the Prize is to shine the spotlight on these amazing young people so that their stories will inspire others. Nominate a young hero by April 30, 2013.
Every Day Capacity Building Grants
Our nation’s public lands need our support every day. The National Environmental Education Foundation, with generous support from Toyota Motor Sales USA, Inc., seeks to strengthen nonprofit organizations whose missions are focused on serving public land. The Every Day Capacity Building Grants provide Friends Groups with grant funds of up to $5,000 to help the Friends Groups build their capacity to serve public lands. Summer cycle grant proposals are due by April 30, 2013.
Arts, Culture & Design in Schools Grant
Supporting programs that bring the arts to school kids helps expand their horizons and stay on track for a brighter future. A well-rounded education includes music, art, dance and drama, and allows kids to express themselves creatively. Through grants, Target is helping schools bring more arts and culture into the classroom. Each Arts, Culture & Design in Schools Grant is $2,000. Grant applications are accepted between March 1 and April 30 each year.
Early Childhood Reading Grants
Target is helping kids across the nation get a head start on reading. Reading makes a world of difference in learning. That’s why Target award grants to schools, libraries and non-profit organizations that support programs like after-school reading events and weekend book clubs. Each Early Childhood Reading Grant is $2,000. Grant applications are accepted between March 1 and April 30 each year.