Funding Fun: Fall 2013 Environmental Education Grants

It’s that time of the year again: the summer is wrapping up and educators, parents, and students alike are all getting ready for the coming school year. With lesson plans to create, classrooms to set-up, and new students to prepare for, this is a very busy time of year for educators. As you get ready to go back to school this fall, be sure to keep grant opportunities in mind. To save you some time and to help support your Chesapeake Bay watershed field studies, environmental education projects or school greening activities, we have assembled a list of grants with application deadlines in September and early October. Check them out below, and good luck with your applications!

Captain Planet Foundation Grants

These grants are intended serve as a catalyst to getting environment-based education in schools and inspire youth and communities to participate in community service through environmental stewardship activities. Funding will be awarded to non-profits, schools, and community-based environmental and educational organizations, and preferential consideration is given to requests seeking funding of $500 or less and to applicants who have secured at least 50% matching or in-kind funding for their projects. On occasion, grants of up to $2,500 may be awarded. Application Deadline: September 30, 2013.

Green Thumb Challenge

The Green Education Foundation and Gardener’s Supply Company have teamed up on an exciting funding opportunity for established youth garden projects nationwide! The organizations are calling on schools and youth groups to submit chronicles of their garden projects in a race to win a $1,000 prize. The award is designed to support the continued sustainability of an exceptional youth garden program that has demonstrated success, and has impacted the lives of kids and their community. Application Deadline: September 30, 2013

Kids In Need Teacher Grants

Kids In Need Teacher Grants provide K-12 educators with funding to provide innovative learning opportunities for their students. The Kids In Need Foundation helps to engage students in the learning process by supporting our most creative and important educational resource — our nation’s teachers. Teacher Grant awards range from $100 to $500 each and are used to finance creative classroom projects. Application Deadline: September 30, 2013.

Target Field Trip Grants

Learning opportunities extend far beyond the classroom. But schools are finding it more and more difficult to bring students to museums, historical sites and cultural organizations. Field Trip Grants help give children these unique, firsthand learning experiences. As part of the program, each Target store will award three Target Field Trip Grants to K—12 schools nationwide—enabling one in 25 schools throughout the U.S. to send a classroom on a field trip. Each grant is valued up to $700. Application Deadline: September 30, 2013.

Chesapeake Bay Restoration Fund Advisory Committee Grants (Virginia Only)

The Chesapeake Bay Restoration Advisory Committee accepts grant applications to conduct Chesapeake Bay-related education and restoration activities. Projects focusing on environmental education should increase public awareness and knowledge about the Bay, and projects of a restoration and conservation nature should be action oriented. This year $254,000 in grant monies, funded from the sale of the special Chesapeake Bay license plate, Friend of the Chesapeake, will be awarded in May-June 2014 to eligible applicants. Applications will be accepted from private non-profit conservation organizations, schools and universities, and governmental agencies whose projects will affect water bodies that are located within the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Application Deadline: October 1, 2013

Toshiba Grants for Grades K-5

Do you teach in an elementary school classroom? Do you have an idea for improving math or science instruction in your classroom? K-5 grade teachers are invited to use Toshiba America Foundation’s short application form to describe a set of lessons or a hands-on project they would like to introduce in their own classrooms. Any K-5 teacher in a public or private (not-for-profit) school is eligible for a grant to support science or math education up to $1,000 for project materials only. Application Deadline: October 1st, each year.