Imagine… A Trip to the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center

I have been waiting for this field trip for weeks. We have prepared, studying vocabulary, reading and discussing what we will see. I can’t wait to get there!

We are on the bus riding down a wooded, narrow road. When the bus stops, we are greeted by friendly people wearing bright red shirts.

I ask, “What will we be doing today?”

Here’s a look at our trip.


It is a newly revised environmental education program at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center created for Pre-K through 3rd Grade students!

SERC designed Exploring Nature to aid teachers and administrators with the following needs:

  • A program aligned with the new Maryland Environmental Literacy Standards, as well as science standards for Virginia and Washington, D.C.
  • Activities specifically designed for younger students
  • An opportunity to discover, evaluate and understand the environment of the Rhode River and the Chesapeake Bay watershed


Three categories of activities help students understand the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. Each activity lasts 20 to 30 minutes. Depending on the length of your stay, you can choose four or five activities. You can also bring a picnic lunch and enjoy a self-guided hike on the Java Trail.

Program categories:

  • Adaptations - discover important plant and animal adaptations used for survival
  • Ecosystems - evaluate the delicate ecological balance of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
  • Ecological Niches - Understand how organisms live and react to their habitat


  • Look at the activity descriptions
  • Match your curriculum needs to the activities
  • Contact Jane Holly at and arrange a date for your trip


  • Print copies of the activities from our website. This provides background information and needed vocabulary for your students. It will also help your adult leaders prepare so they can guide activities during the trip.
  • Not sure how this works? You can send your adult leaders for a training session at SERC.
  • Can’t make it to a training session? SERC will will send you a DVD showing the activities and materials and how to run the stations.