Last Chance! Register today for the Delaware Association for Environmental Education Conference
DAEE’s Sixth Annual statewide conference, to be held on Saturday, March 28 at Sussex Tech High School in Georgetown, Delaware.
This year’s keynote speaker will be Jonathan Wickert, Ed.D., Chief of Interpretation at Delaware State Parks. He has previously worked at Caesar Rodney High School as the Instructional Advisor where he was a classroom teacher of social studies, world history, civics, economics and world geography until he assumed the additional duties of the Administrator for the CRHS ‘Success Academy’, a 2-week voluntary summer program for incoming freshman.
Here’s a sample of some of the workshops and activities that have been lined up for the conference:
- Digital Storytelling
- Hands-on Watershed Models
- Linking School Curriculum and Outdoor Learning
- School Garden Basics
- Rain Garden Design
- Empower Your Students to Engage and Explore: Tree Identification
- Mysterious Magical Monarchs
- What’s new about Next Generation Science Standards
- Bay to Bay: A Multidisciplinary Investigation
- Rain Barrel Fun
- Redden State Forest field trip
and… MORE!
Program descriptions and registration for participants, vendors and exhibitors are now online at
Delaware teachers can receive six clock hours from the Delaware Teacher Center for their participation in the conference.
For more information, or to volunteer to help out with the conference, please contact the chair of the Conference Planning Committee, Flavia Rutkosky, at
If you have items that you would like to donate to the conference silent auction, please contact Angel Burns, at