Learn about NOAA Environmental Science Center Winter Workshops!

In early 2014, NOAA Environmental Science Center (ESTC) will hold 2 workshop series and a brand new climate education course:

  • Weather Ready Chesapeake II, College Park, Maryland, January 16 and February 20
  • The Chesapeake Bay in the Anthropocene Epoch, Oxford, Maryland, January 30 and February 27
  • Communicating Climate Change: Earth to Sky@ Mid-Atlantic. This blended course (both online and in person) begins February 19 and runs through May 16.

Weather Ready Chesapeake II

Weather has a big effect on our lives—but how does it happen? And how can educators best explain the complexities of weather systems and weather safety to students? Environmental educators will gather at the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (College Park, Maryland) for this two-day series developed by the National Weather Service the ESTC. The workshop will explore the science of observing and forecasting the weather. Day 1 will focus on “The Science of Observing and Forecasting the Weather”; day 2 on “Weather Safety, Weather Extremes, and Impacts in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.”

The Chesapeake Bay in the Anthropocene Epoch

Scientists, conservation leaders and many others are having lively conversation about the notion that we are now living in the Anthropocene Epoch, the “age of man.” Environmental educators are an important part of this conversation. The Chesapeake Bay in the Anthropocene Epoch 2014 winter workshop series will explore how humans affect the Chesapeake; the notion that people have the ability to shape the environment at local and global scales; and how changes in climate, land use, human populations, and more will have profound effects on our approach to restoring, conserving, managing and teaching about the Chesapeake Bay and the watershed that feeds it. Join the conversation!

Communicating Climate Change: Earth to Sky @ Mid-Atlantic

To help meet the challenge to successfully communicate about climate change with public audiences, this regionally focused blended course (distance learning and face-to-face) will draw on NASA, NOAA, National Park Service, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service expertise, as well as other subject-matter experts, to present accurate, up-to-date global and regional science and effective communication techniques. The two-day face-to-face sessions will be held at NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility, Virginia, with a field trip to local coastal areas. Additional course details, registration information, and updates are posted on the Earth to Sky website.

You can learn more about all of these workshops and/or register for them HERE.