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Marine debris and plastic pollution have been an on-going issue for the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Over 18 million people call the Chesapeake Bay watershed home, and their individual actions can contribute to the litter in our waterways.
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Running list of online resources that may be useful for Caregivers during school closures.
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Running list of online resources that may be useful for Students during school closures.
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Running list of online resources that may be useful to Educators during school closures.
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Learn about the importance of youth voice and explore strategies of how to incorporate it into your instruction.
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Pickering Creek’s Audubon Chesapeake Exploration (ACE) program partners with NOAA Chesapeake Bay Watershed Education & Training Program to offer MWEEs to Wicomico County 6th Graders during the 2019-2020 school year.
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Learn more about Nature Play and the new Nature Discovery Area at the Anita C. Leight Estuary Center in Harford County, Maryland.
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RiverSmart Schools is the District of Columbia Department of Energy and Environment’s model program demonstrating the integration of innovative stormwater management solutions with the schoolyard conservation. The Chesapeake Water Environment Association (cwea) will host a one-hour webinar to inform schools of best practices for implementing low impact development projects on school grounds.
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Join teachers and students from all around Maryland in taking action to care for Maryland’s streams. As a key part of Bay restoration, students from grades K-12 are adopting, investigating, and taking action to restore the health of their local stream. The program will introduce your students to the amazing natural features of streams right in their own communities, making rigorous learning as much fun as it is beneficial.
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Are you looking to get your child away from the screen and into the green this summer? Camp Audubon provides day, travel, and overnight camps for families in the DC metro area. Located on a 40-acre nature sanctuary, these camps provide high-quality environmental science education and good old-fashioned camp fun!
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