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Bay Backpack eNewsletter: What’s Happening in Environmental Education this Spring?

The Bay Backpack eNewsletter is a quarterly newsletter that is mailed across the four seasons. This resource is intended for both educators and anyone who has a deep appreciation for environmental education. Content is comprised of recent news happening in schools, upcoming events, professional development, and funding opportunities. To subscribe, visit and enter your email address in the bottom box. Thank you for reading and we appreciate all of the work you do each day to support this important cause.

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Environmental Action Conference 2019

Join Earth Force to learn how to incorporate civic experiences into your education programming. This three-day workshop provides hands-on training in action civics and environmental learning.

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The Watch-News You Can Use From NOAA Planet Stewards

The NOAA Planet Stewards Newsletter, “The Watch”, features environmental professional development, news, training opportunities, and educational resources to share.

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MWEE 101 Online Course Launch!

Partners from the Chesapeake Bay Program Education Workgroup are excited to announce the launch of an online course created to provide in-depth understanding of the Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience for both formal and non-formal educators. MWEE 101, as the course is known, is housed on NOAA’s learning management system Chesapeake Exploration.

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NEW GRANT OPPORTUNITY: 2019 NEEF Health and the Natural Environment Grant

The National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF), with funding support from US Forest Service (USFS), is offering $32,200 through mini-grants for health promotion activities that will also help restore and protect America’s forests.

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NatureCity Forum

Join the full day exploration of green infrastructure with designers, practitioners, planners and advocates. The day will include local, regional and national case studies, as well as tools and research on the planning and implementation of green infrastructure for climate resiliency, community building, human health and ecological benefit.

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Chesapeake Stormwater Network’s 2019 BUBBAs Contest

The Best Urban BMP in the Bay Awards contest (BUBBAs) recognizes the best practices and programs being implemented in the urban environment across the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Now in its fourth year, the BUBBAs shine a light on local innovators using creative approaches to protect and restore local watersheds.

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Designing Your Bird Friendly Landscape

Do you love the idea of gardening to attract birds, but wonder how best to design your home landscape? Get some helpful hints at Pickering Creek Audubon Center on how to design your planting beds for rich bird life at this spring workshop.

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Bay Backpack 2019 Winter eNewsletter

The Bay Backpack eNewsletter is mailed four times per year highlighting schools in the news, professional development opportunities, funding, and stewardship events. See what opportunities are happening in your backyard!

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2019 MAEOE Conference

From February 7-10, 2019, attend the largest state-wide environmental education conference in the nation and the only conference of its kind in the State of Maryland. The Maryland Association for Environmental and Outdoor Education (MAEOE) conference brings together 600+ formal and non-formal educators for four days of networking, gaining resources and examples from the classroom, the school grounds and the community.

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