Requests for Proposals- MAEOE 2015 Conference

Help the Maryland Association for Environmental and Outdoor Education its 30th anniversary at their annual conference February 5 – 8, 2015 at the Princess Royale in Ocean City, Maryland.
MAEOE would like to invite you to present your successes and encorage others to do the same! MAEOE conference is an opportunity to share your great ideas, lesson plans or favorite activities with formal and inform educators from across Maryland.
Share your expertice on cutting edge Environmental Education topics such as STEM, Common Core, Citizen Science, NGSS, and more. This year MAEOE is soliciting presentations 6 different focus strands including, Natural History, Hot Button Topics, Lesson and Examples from the Field, Partnership in action, Greening Maryland Schools, Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM). There are a number of ways you can present your ideas or share your experiences. Consider the following options:
Friday Workshops:
- half day (3 hour) workshop, or
- full day (6 hour) workshop
Saturday Session:
- 60 minute presentation
- 130 minute presentation (double session)
- Poster session
Sunday Field Trips
- 1-3 hours
Use this link to submit your proposal for pre-conference workshops, conference sessions and field trips. The on-line proposals are due no later than September 15, 2014. Thank you for being a part MAEOE!
For more information visit our conference page: