Return Flight: Restoring the Bald Eagle to the Channel Islands

A new Classroom Study Guide is now available to accompany the PBS documentary, Return Flight: Restoring the Bald Eagle to the Channel Islands. Return Flight aired nationally in 2013 and 2014 on the PBS series Natural Heroes. This documentary shows the plight of Bald Eagles in Southern California from hunting to persecution to DDT contamination. The film documents the inspiring recovery of the Bald Eagle by showing how biologists, government agencies, and the Montrose Settlements Restoration Program (MSRP) have worked together to bring this ancestral bird back to the Channel Islands.
The free Return Flight Classroom Study Guide was developed for middle school, high school, and community college teachers allowing them to delve deeper into the topics introduced in this educational film. The study guide features seven lesson plans that emphasize the relevant concepts of the film and the pressing environmental issues of today’s society. All of the lesson plans begin with several discussion topics followed by a hands-on activity or call to action for students. Each lesson plan is also aligned with Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards allowing for their integration into everyday classroom curriculum.
The guide was developed in partnership with MSRP and Filmmakers Collaborative SF. Learn more about the film and download a free copy of the guide now!