Sign up Today for Data & the Estuary:Eastern Shore

Get ready to collect and use estuary-specific data in YOUR Classroom—
Acquire resources, new lessons, techniques to develop environmentally literate students and get OUTSIDE!

Join the Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve August 4-8 for Data & the Estuary:Eastern Shore
a specialized course for Maryland middle and high school teachers. This 5 day/4 night course, held at the Karen Noonan Center in Bishops Head, MD, is a partnership with NOAA, Chesapeake Bay Foundation and Maryland’s Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve. 3 optional graduate credits available.

This course provide teachers with the resources, knowledge and experience necessary to facilitate the integration of estuaries and related topics into the classroom. Through hands-on, field-based investigations teachers will have the opportunity to gather authentic data on climate science, water quality, biotic communities, analyze collected and existing data, and ultimately use this information to develop action projects that will have a positive impact on the natural systems of the Chesapeake Bay. The course is geared toward a middle and high school audience, but all are welcome.

The Courses are Tuition-free. However, there is a $50 NON-REFUNDABLE Registration and Materials Fee required to secure participant registration.

Data & the Estuary will help teachers increase their ability to:

  • Utilize Estuaries 101, National Geographic FieldScope, and associated curricula
  • Access tools and curricula that support STEM programming
  • Design and implement authentic student-driven investigations
  • Analyze collected information
  • Develop action projects to manage and address the results of investigations
  • Connect Next Generation Science Standards and Common Core to experiential learning and the use of data
  • Understand multiple literacy initiatives – Ocean Literacy, Estuarine Literacy, Climate Literacy, and Environmental Literacy

Register HERE

For questions about this course, please contact

Coreen Weilminster

CBNERR-MD’s Education Coordinator