“Why Do We Explore?” – Professional Development Opportunity

Why Do We Explore? – Professional Development Opportunity for Educators of Grades 5-12, Sat. Nov. 15th, 2014 8:00-4:00 @ National Aquarium in Baltimore
An essential component of the NOAA’s Office of Ocean Exploration and Research (OER) mission is to enhance ocean science and literacy and to build interest in careers that support ocean related work. To help fulfill this mission, the Okeanos Explorer Education Materials Collection was developed to encourage educators and students to become engaged in real time with the voyages and discoveries of the NOAA ship Okeanos Explorer – America’s first federal ship dedicated to Ocean Exploration. Join NOAA OER Facilitator Melissa Ryan, as you are introduced to volume 1 of the Okeanos Explorer Education Materials Collection: Why Do We Explore? Participants will learn how to use standards- based lessons and other online resources that guide classroom inquires into important reasons for ocean exploration including Climate Change, Energy, Ocean Health, and Human Health. This is Part One of a two-part professional development series. Part Two will be offered at a later date.
Registration is required and space is limited. Educators attending the full day will receive volume 1 of the Okeanos Explorer Education Materials Collection, Why do We Explore? , other resources, a NOAA Ocean Exploration Certificate of Participation, a continental breakfast and lunch. Those educators attending Part one and part two, will receive a $100 stipend.
Registration deadline is October 24, 2014
To register, contact the Central Reservations Office at 410-576-3833
Questions? Contact David Christopher at 410-576-8799 or dchristopher@aqua.org