Developing a MWEE
This section will highlight how to begin designing a MWEE. The way that MWEEs are designed and implemented may change over time as an educator gains experience and personal insights, but this section provides some basic tools to help plan and evaluate a MWEE.
Steps to Develop Your MWEE
Step 1: Get Started
This section walks you through some big-picture questions that are important to keep in mind as a backdrop to your planning.
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Step 2: Plan
This section includes questions to consider when planning an outdoor field experience on school grounds or off-site.
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Step 3: Put It Together
This section introduces the Environmental Literacy Model (ELM), which will help you plan for a MWEE and place it within your existing curricular program.
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Step 4: Evaluate
This section offers you an opportunity to review your planned program against the MWEE definition and reflect on the process. It also introduces resources that can help formally evaluate an environmental education program.
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